Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

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A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains by Wang Ximeng



"A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains" painted on a high 51.5 cm, 1191 long.On a 5cm silk, such a large scroll looks magnificent and myriad。If you use the most classic Western focal perspective method,You can't paint a painting that long,One of the characteristics of traditional Chinese painting is "multi-point perspective".,Painters don't have to fix their positions,Draw what you see from only one Angle,He can walk and see,The painting can also change the perspective of the painting with his actions,Give the viewer a sense of flow,He seems to be traveling with the artist。

The color of the object is also characterized by thick, making the whole picture unified in the tone of big green, rich and brilliant color, very heavy。The painter uses skilled brushwork to show the thick of two mineral pigments, stone blue and stone green. The outline of the green painting is rich or light, and the color is ochre, which makes the picture clearly layered, the color is like gemstone, and the luster is dazzling。In the meantime, the tree trunk is painted without bones, and the hillside is painted with cun points, which enriches the expression of the green landscape, bright and not vulgar。Water, sky, trees, stones, with mixed powder and ochre color rendering, although not like the golden landscape hook gold line, but still feel full of magnificence。


"A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains" is one of the examples of the application of scatter perspective, the picture of tens of thousands of mountains high and low, layer after layer, but not a rolling mountain, but are born along the river, some are very like hills, warm and lovely;Some are like a big mountain, the momentum is difficult。Each part is sometimes connected by a long bridge, or is a quiet water color, the vast river。There are a lot of readable details between the mountains and rivers, waterfalls, houses dotted among them, and willows and flowers, reading should be very experienced, the painter painted quite attentively, although people are small as beans, but dynamic like。The content of the picture is extremely rich, and there is no sense of clutter in the same painting, which is inseparable from the unity of color。Green landscape refers to the work of painting with stone blue, stone green and other minerals as the main color,The stone is on the basis of the whole body stained with ochre,It will be dyed in blue and green many times,Finally cover with stone blue and stone green,Over the hill,The heavier you use both colors,And between mountains,The two colors are often used interchangeably,Pay attention to mutual collocation and foil。


According to the layout of mountains and rivers, "A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains" can be roughly divided into six sections, each of which takes the mountain as the main object of expression. Each section is connected by a long bridge or a flow of water, so that each section of mountains and rivers is relatively independent, but also interrelated, and the connection is clever and the transition is natural。The picture begins with rolling mountains, verdant trees between the mountains, and cottages scattered on the shore of the lake。A bridge is connected to a small island in the lake. In the distance of a wide lake is a sandbar called Pingzhu, followed by a series of peaks。Two high mountains are separated by a water, the water set up wooden bridge, the structure of the bridge is exquisite。After that, there are still continuous mountains, sometimes moved to the near, sometimes pushed into the distant。On the gentle shore, there are several boats at anchor, and fishing boats in the lake are fishing with nets。In the misty sky, a flock of birds circled。Boulders stand on the shore, the mountain gradually steepens, and the mountains are densely forested and brimming with vitality。A stream zigzagged through a deep valley。The mountains are slightly flat, and there are lakes, boats, and fishing villages。The characters are small, but dynamic。Microwave water lines are drawn in one stroke, fishing boats and cruise boats swing in the meantime, so that the picture adds dynamic。The last section of the painting, near the painting of dense woods, distant rocks suddenly wall, in the climax of the end。The whole work ups and downs, scattered, to achieve the artistic effect of people in the middle of the painting。The interspersed use of a variety of composition methods makes the picture feel like walking, adds a beautiful sense of rhythm, and is fascinating, reflecting the neat and rigorous style of the Northern Song Dynasty painting。

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