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Lushan Kiln "Jun porcelain of Tang Dynasty"



      The site of Lushan Kiln is located in Lushan Section of Henan Province。It started in the Tang Dynasty and ended in the Yuan Dynasty。Its characteristics are: the fetal mass is thicker, the fetal color is light gray brown;The glaze color is black glaze, white glaze and three-color glaze。

      Lushan Kiln produces very rich kinds of porcelain, and almost all kinds of porcelain in northern kilns are reflected here。During the prosperous Tang Dynasty 1,300 years ago, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty talked about music with his prime minister Song Jing and said, "It is not Qingzhou stone dust, it is Lushan flower porcelain.。Tang Xuanzong is good at rhythm, love drumming, especially love Lushan flower porcelain Capricorn drum。This documentary record of the "Jiegu Record" by Nan Zhuo in the Tang Dynasty is the only record on porcelain mentioned by the legendary emperor of the Tang Dynasty and the prime minister who was also proficient in music, which means to praise the waist drums made of Qingzhou stone dust (Chengmud pottery) and Lushan flower porcelain as excellent products。It shows that Lushan flower porcelain is one of the favorite ceramic varieties of the court in the Tang Dynasty。During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Lushan Flower Drum was used as the imperial porcelain, representing the highest level of porcelain art in northern China at that time。Tang Dynasty flower porcelain, Song Jin Yuan period Jun glaze porcelain, Ru glaze porcelain, three colors, pearl land, white ground black flowers and so on。Its color has the Tang Dynasty black porcelain, white porcelain, black Mosaic porcelain, Song, Jin, Yuan period of white porcelain, black porcelain, three-color, pearl, paste glaze。There are bottles, basins, bowls, plates, POTS, saucers, chess pieces, notes, pillows, bowls and so on。It occupies a very important position in the history of Chinese porcelain firing。


     Then how to see the Lushan kiln to the generation ?

1. Model identification: Tang Dynasty Lushan kiln imitation model is strange, there is no Tang charm, the spout shape is wrong, and the lower abdomen is too oblique and straight, resulting in inaccurate model。

2, Lushan kiln glaze process and glaze characteristics: the transition between the imitation flower glaze and the base color is stiff and unnatural, the glaze process is wrong, similar to the use of brush painting color, because the chemical glaze, there is no feeling of mutual dissolution in the transition。

3, the opening of Lushan kiln: the opening is the common difficulty of imitation products, Lushan kiln imitation products are also loose and rigid。

4, the process and aging characteristics of the foot: the genuine Lushan kiln is the representative of the Tang fine porcelain, the selection of fine materials, the repair of fine feet, and the weathering pattern and soil qin left by the natural half-life。The closing marks of mineral glaze fired in the kiln are clear, and the glaze is natural。[/cp]


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